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AK-47 Hash – 1g or 7g | Buy Cheap Weed CanadaAK-47 Hash – 1g or 7g | Buy Cheap Weed Canada

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AK-47 Hash – 1g or 7g | Buy Cheap Weed Canada

Rated 4 out of 5

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AK-47 Hash is a premium import hash sourced directly from the exotic lands of Afghanistan. Unfortunately, due to the on-going conflict in the affected areas of Aghanistan, the once fertile, cannabis-friendly lands of Northern Afghanistan have been decimated, making more and more difficult to produce hashish. Afghani hash is known for the love, time and care put into creating the final end product – the whole process is done by hand with no extra additives or solvents, asides from water or tea. This process results in an extremely aromatic and pliable, almost elastic-like hash.

Proudly sold by Buy Cheap Weed Canada, your trusted destination for weed derived products.

SKU: ak-47-hash-1g-or-7g Category:

4 reviews for AK-47 Hash – 1g or 7g

  1. ashleyfirlotte (verified owner)

    Super smooth with a hint of chocolate

    Posted on Buy Cheap Weed Canada

  2. ashleyfirlotte (verified owner)

    Super smooth with a hint of chocolate

    Posted on Buy Cheap Weed Canada

  3. troymatt (verified owner)

    I smoke a lot of hash – and while its good, its expensive, which is why I gave it 4 stars. Cheaper (mercedes) hash is just as good most of the time.

    Posted on Buy Cheap Weed Canada

  4. cowboy-pat (verified owner)

    Nice to smoke good buzz.

    Posted on Buy Cheap Weed Canada

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